THE Cook Shack

One would not normally mention 500 lbs of fajita meat and a collegiate athletic event in the same sentence…until they have been a part of the Border Olympics. If you asked any coach, player or family member one thing they remember about this tournament, “The Cook Shack” fajitas is sure to be a recurring answer. From the first swing of the tournament until the trophies are in hand, local chef Pete Mims and his crew cook over 500 pounds of fajitas on site. Coaches, players and spectators alike enjoy a free buffet of fajitas, sausage, tortillas, fruit, snacks and beverages throughout the entire tournament compliments of Southern Distributing and local restaurant, Border Foundry Restaurant. Set up at the turn, it is a chance for players to check in and refuel.

While players are competing on the greens of the course, the coaches have a little competition of their own. As golf goes, players are trying to keep their number low, while coaches are aiming to have the highest number in the tournament. The highest number of fajita tacos consumed, that is. A scoreboard is set up at the cook shack where coaches mark one tally for every taco they eat and the winner leaves with epic bragging rights (and perhaps a stomach ache) and the trophy and title of “King of the Cook Shack”. Coaches, better start training now, as the 2020 winner was Coach Nate Weant (University of Louisiana Monroe) with a whopping 25 tacos eaten!


Host Dinners

Another favorite part of the tournament from teams and locals alike is the opportunity to have a home-cooked meal hosted by a local Laredo Family. Due to Covid and our current circumstances, host dinners will not take place this year. We look forward to hosting all of our awesome teams in the homes of our Laredo families next year!

This tradition has been a part of the tournament for as long as we can remember. Being on the road competing all season, teams get the chance to kick back and relax and feel at home while being served some of the most delicious local cuisine. The hosts get to serve their team a tasty meal and then cheer on their team (quietly, of course) during the tournament. Some families have been hosting the same team for years and look forward to their annual visit.


Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lowry hosting University of Louisiana-Monroe


Mr. and Mrs. Joe Palacios hosting Sam Houston State


Mr. and Mrs. Robert Summers hosting University of Arkansas at Little Rock